To help us work the Twelve Steps, Cocaine Anonymous uses a text entitled Alcoholics Anonymous, commonly referred to as the “Big Book.” When studying this text, some of us find it useful to substitute the word “cocaine” for “alcohol” and the word “using” for “drinking,” although in the process, some of us discovered that we are alcoholics as well as addicts.
Because some of our members believe there are ways to take the Steps other than the method described in the Big Book, we suggest that the reader seek guidance from a sponsor, an experienced C.A. member, or their Higher Power, to help them decide on the method that is right for them.
This pamphlet is not a substitute for using the Big Book and a sponsor. Its purpose is to shed light on the Twelve-Step program in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, as it relates to our addiction.
Taking the Twelve Steps prepares us to have a “spiritual awakening” or a “spiritual experience” (page 567* in Alcoholics Anonymous). These phrases refer to the change in our thinking, attitudes, and outlook that occurs after taking the Steps. This change frees us from active addiction.
Applying the Steps in our daily lives enables us to establish and improve our conscious contact with God or our Higher Power. Many in our Fellowship believe that the greatest safeguard in preventing relapse lies in consistent application of the Twelve Steps.
Newcomers often ask, “When should I take the Steps?” Page 34 of the Big Book states, “Some will be drunk [high] the day after making their resolutions [not to use again]; most of them within a few weeks.” The choice, ultimately, is up to the reader of this pamphlet, but a full understanding of Step One can often provide the willingness necessary to take the other eleven Steps.