Click here to download meeting formats and readings
Is your group interested in taking a group inventory to ensure you are aligning with the 12 Traditions?
Try this Traditions Group Inventory.
Do you want to start a C.A. meeting in San Diego?
The San Diego Area of Cocaine Anonymous is here to help!
Here are the steps to take:
- Click here to read about the definition of a C.A. group from the World Services Manual
- Click here to download meeting formats and readings
- Email to obtain your FREE meeting starter kit:
- Tokens (5 each): Newcomer, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 18 months
- Newcomer book (5)
- Pamphlets (5 each):
- Cocaine Anonymous Self-Test
- A Higher Power
- Guide to 12 Steps
- …And All Other Mind Altering Substances
- Tools of Recovery
- Crack
- C.A. is Also for the LGBTQ+ Addict
- Have the meeting and elect Group servants
- After the 3rd meeting, send a representative to the Area Council to have your meeting added to the website and meeting directory for San Diego Cocaine Anonymous
Here are some tips to start a meeting (from the pamphlet “Yes, You Can Start a C.A. Meeting”):
Get the Word Out
Once the location, day, and time for the new meeting have been established, the next task is to get the word out. If there is a local C.A. Fellowship, contact them to get the new meeting put into the directory and/or onto the Area website. Announce the newly scheduled meeting in other C.A. meetings and let it be known you’ll share details afterward with anyone needing directions, rides, or additional information. Flyers with all the pertinent details can be especially helpful. Let people know that the new meeting is for newcomers and old-timers alike and that support would be appreciated.
• Bring desire & willingness;
• Contact your local C.A. Fellowship and/or C.A. World Services;
• Review the definition of a “Group” in the C.A. World Service Manual;
• Get chips and literature;
• Choose a meeting format;
• Set the day and time;
• Find and rent a location;
• Create flyers;
• Get the word out;
• Get a coffee maker or teapot;
• Get a basket for the 7th Tradition;
• Keep coming back.
Finally …
Tradition Five of Cocaine Anonymous tells us that our primary purpose is to carry the message of recovery to other addicts. Helping others and being of maximum service is our goal; it is the foundation of our recovery. Starting a meeting not only contributes to the growth of Cocaine Anonymous, it enhances your own recovery. The effort involved in starting a C.A. meeting is minimal, but the rewards are infinite.